Traffic Regulations


General Traffic Rules

  1. 5 miles per hour in garage parking areas, unless otherwise posted.
  2. 10 miles per hour in surface parking areas, unless otherwise posted.
  3. 15 miles per hour on all campus streets, roads, and driveways, unless otherwise posted.

Pedestrians have the right-of-way AT ALL TIMES.

Operating or parking motor vehicles on sidewalks, lawns, & undesignated parking areas is prohibited. 在非指定区域或在非指定区域内驾驶或停车所造成的损坏,车主可能要承担责任.


任何人不得干扰任何交通或泊车执法行动, the operation of any traffic control device, ignore any officer’s signal or instruction, tamper with, destroy, or deface any traffic control device. 违规者将受到罚款和大学纪律处分的评估.


大学物业内所有机动车辆的操作或停放应符合所有停车规定 & Traffic Rules and Regulations of the University of Denver, all laws of the City of Denver and the State of Colorado.



澳门威尼斯人官网保留从其财产中移除机动车辆的权利, without notice, for reasons including, but not limited to, the following: (a) apparent abandonment; (b) failure to display a valid or current license plate; (c) parking in such a way as to constitute a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic or to the movement and operation of emergency equipment; (d) parking privileges of the owner/operator having been revoked; (e) maintenance repairs to facilities; (f) unpaid violations; (g) the parking lot or area is designated an immediate tow-away zone. 业主和/或运营商将负责所有涉及的费用,以清除此类机动车辆. 澳门威尼斯人官网对任何车辆的损坏不承担任何责任, loss of vehicle, 或被命令从学校财产中移走的车辆上遗留的任何物品.


Powered and non-powered recreational vehicles including, but not limited to, skateboards, motorized skateboards, hover boards, roller skates, 不得在大学停车场或建筑物内或其上使用单排溜冰鞋. 这些区域是为汽车准备的,在这样的高密度区域使用这些类型的车辆是不安全的.

Designated parking areas are indicated on University parking maps, which can be obtained at the department of Parking and Mobility Services. 如有交通管制装置指示,可进一步限制停车区域. 澳门威尼斯人官网保留在没有事先通知的情况下随时改变停车设施配置的权利,以及在紧急情况下或在没有事先通知的特殊情况下对停车区域施加额外限制的权利.

任何人不得将任何机动车辆停放在大学物业内的任何地点,但已设置交通管制装置的授权及指定停车场除外.e. signage). 所有机动车辆必须停在指定泊车位的指定范围内. 这意味着机动车的两侧必须有视觉上的画线(停车位). 所有没有明确标明停车的区域都被视为“禁止停车”区域. 机动车的停放和驾驶,不得妨碍车辆和行人通行. Major repairs (i.e. 禁止在大学内维修车辆(维修时间超过三小时). 司机或车辆的注册所有者负责任何损坏或化学品泄漏的清理.

任何人不得在大学停车场存放或停放任何汽车或物品超过45天(即使持有有效许可证)。. In the event of mechanical failure of a motor vehicle, 业主或司机将负责维修其运行状态,或在服务允许的情况下尽快将其移除. 被遗弃的机动车辆将被拖走并扣押,费用由车主承担.


因业务需要长期居住在学校的人士, making deliveries, making repairs, performing work, etc.,必须联络泊车及流动服务部门作出泊车安排. Failure to do so may result in receiving citations. All vendor and contractor parking passes require a fee.

Iliff School of Theology


Counterfeiting, altering or defacing permits

严禁伪造、涂改或污损澳门威尼斯人官网的许可证. Violators are subject to the assessment of fines, 拒绝或撤销停车特权和大学纪律处分.



Parking & Mobility Services